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Hornet Self-Defense

Taking the Sting Out of Crime

The owner of Hornet Self Defense, Trevor McGinnis, is a former law enforcement officer.  He wrote this article on robbery prevention tips to help you prevent becoming the victim of a robbery.  The crime of robbery is a very violent event.  Robbery is defined as the action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Crime Data Explorer Website, the number of robberies reported in the year 2022 was 150,107.  Of those robberies, the break down based upon location type are as follows:

                    Highway/Alley/Streets/Sidewalks                                49,978

                    Residence Home                                                        32,214

                    Parking Lot/Garage                                                    18,351

                    Convenience Store                                                     17,639

                    Department/Discount Store                                        12,745

What to do Before a Robbery?

  • Trust your instincts – If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or leave.
  • Be observant – Look around.  Be aware of your surroundings and the people in them.
  • Remain alert – Know who is walking behind and in front of you.  Things to watch for include suspicious persons or vehicles, people who are wearing inappropriate clothing for the weather (Example: A facemask in the middle of summer) and people just loitering around.
  • Show confidence – Walk at a steady pace, keep your head up and avoid carrying lots of packages.  Send the message that you are calm and confident.
  • Be extra cautious in transitional spaces – (e.g. walking from your car to your house).  If your keys are equipped with a panic button, have your finger ready to press it.  Always have your keys in-hand before you reach the door.
  • Do not wear headphones or look at your cell phone while walking.
  • Show safety in numbers – Walk with friends or in a group.
  • Stick to well-lighted streets and well populated areas – Avoid shortcuts, wooded areas, alleys, empty parks and isolated parking lots and garages.
  • Have family members meet you outside when arriving home.
  • Get to know your neighbors where you live and work.
  • Use well-lit public transportation stops.
  • Do not use ATM machines at night – Robbers often wait for individuals to withdraw money when it is dark outside.  Never approach an ATM machine if you are uneasy about the people nearby.
  • Never flash large amounts of money or other valuables – Robbers are often tempted by money, jewelry, clothing and electronics.

What to do During a Robbery?

  • Stay calm and do not resist – Do as instructed.  Do not make any sudden movements.
  • Keep your hands in sight at all times.
  • Try to get a description of the robber but do not stare – Do your best to look for something descriptive about the suspect(s).  Take note of the type of weapon, get-away vehicle, direction of travel, etc.
  • Always keep your personal safety a top priority! Money and property is not important and can be replaced!
  • Do not attempt to subdue the robber or follow them.  Let the police catch the robber.

What to do After a Robbery?

  • Call 911 immediately!
  • Be prepared to give a witness statement to the police.
  • Try not to talk about the robbery incident with others until after talking to the police.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, this article has taught you about the crime of robbery. By following these robbery prevention tips, you will be less likely to become a victim of such a violent crime. Be sure to visit for all of your personal self-defense product needs. You will find a variety of items that you can purchase to help protect yourself.

Hornet Self-Defense “Taking the Sting Out of Crime”

Author Biography:

Trevor McGinnis is the President & Owner of Hornet Self-Defense, LLC. Prior to starting this company, he served for over eighteen years as a California law enforcement officer. As an officer, he was primarily assigned as a School Resource Officer where he worked directly with the youth of the community. His experience dealing with victims of crime has inspired him to start this personal self-defense products company. His numerous years of expertise qualifies him to be an authority on self-defense and the avoidance of becoming a victim of criminal behavior.

Matthew 5:9 – Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.

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